God Is Good!
Hearts United Ministries
Tell Me More

Our Vision

This is what we are about.

To Unite

It is our vision, mission and passion to bring unity among christians of all backgrounds and nationalities.

To Empower

Our vision is to produce Christian media which will empower, encourage and edify believers in their Christian faith.

To Serve

We seek to serve both churches and Christian-based charities in their God-given missions, in whatever way we can.

Our primary mission is to see people walking in the freedom that Jesus Christ has purchased for them on the cross, with His own life. And that is because of His great love for the world. The team here at Hearts United Ministries are dedicated to unite, to empower and to serve anyone who would like to walk into their god-given destiny. We know from personal experience that only Jesus Christ can transform your life and give you the assurance of salvation.


This is what we do.

Home Groups

We have a home group where we meet for fellowship and encouragement. At the home group we pray for each other and encourage each other in our daily faith walk. Would you like to experience community? Then why don't you join us as well? You will really like it. If that is something you would like to do, send us a message here or on our Facebook page.

Prayer Support

If you need prayer, we would love to pray for you and with you. We really believe that prayer helps and we have seen it with our own eyes how prayer has transformed lives and situations. Send us a message with your prayer request and we will pray for you. We will treat your request with the strictest of confidence within the bounds of UK law.

Bible Study

We are passionate about Bible study. We go through different topics that are current and that we deem helpful for our group attendants. You will really grow in faith through intaking of the spiritual food that can be found in the Bible. Knowing God's Word is knowing God Himself better, so why don't you plan to visit our Bible study group soon?


This is what we have been up to.


To Serve

Home Group

To Empower

Prayer Meetings

To Unite


Read · Watch · Listen


Please visit our official blog here.


Please visit our official YouTube channel here.


Coming soon to your portable device.

The Team

This is who we are.






Board Member



If you are a Christian Church or a Christian charity and you would like us to serve you, then get in touch. We can help with Sunday School, we can serve in your prayer and intersession team, we can prepare a sermon or even lead worship.

Contact Us

This is how you can contact us.


Contact us on Facebook


These are our ministry friends.